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Pre-registration available on the App Store along with the final date

Another huge step towards the definitive launch of the long-awaited Eternal Demon: Blizzard has enabled pre-registration on both mobile stores; which anticipates a short-term landing on the millions of mobile phones awaiting the mobile version of Diablo.

The story behind the adaptation of the Diablo universe to mobile platforms has been going on for several months, Blizzard maintaining development with dates that begin to converge: the last news we have about Diablo Immortal is its subsequent availability in 2022. The game was previously listed through Google Play; with the App Store waiting to be matched. Eventually she did.

Diablo Immortal is one of the most anticipated mobile games, an MMORPG anticipating great quality, fidelity to the original title and hours of fun with the promised jump to the touch screen. And while the desired launch is underway, players can access pre-registration to get the advantage to start the server.

With App Store pre-registration both iOS and iPad users as well as those with Android devices you can be the first to install Diablo Immortal no more crashes on Blizzard servers. Plus, registering now opens the door to getting started.

Diablo Immortal gameplay

As we can read on Blizzard’s website, the company will give a special starter pack to those who have previously registered on the mobile phone store; provided that Diablo Inmortal reaches 30 million downloads during the first 30 days of validity. The free pack consists of a set of cosmetic Horadryclothing that “dresses its bearer in gold jewellery of excellence”. According to Blizzard, the cosmetic pack “changes based on the wearer’s martial ability so each class has a distinctive look”.

Diablo Immortal’s micropayments will be very present, but everything indicates that Blizzard will bet on not unbalancing the game by giving a bigger advantage to those who pay. Like other big multiplayer titles, purchases will unlock skins and customisations to give each player a unique appearance.

We already know when Diablo Immortal will finally land in stores: on the App Store the next 30 June appears. Developers usually respect this date, so there are three months left to have it on our phones. We will see if Blizzard finally fulfils expectations.